Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
By admin
Stormy So, there’s a hella thunderstorm out right now and here I am in my room. Counting. If I just keep…
December 14, 2021
Stop telling me not to worry!
Do you even understand how important this project is? It’s like fifty percent of my mark. Fifty percent! And it’s not good enough. And if it’s not good enough, I won’t do well. I’ll fail the whole class. Well, fine, maybe I won’t fail but my grade will suck and that’ll affect my average and then I won’t get into university. Or at least the university I want. No, I am not exaggerating. I am not being dramatic. I AM NOT! Stop saying that! It’s not ready. It’s not right. It’s not perfect. I can’t hand it in until everything is just right. I can’t fail this project, I just can’t.
What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD?
A bit of anxiety throughout our lives is normal, like when faced with an exam or some kind of fear—you know, that fight-flight-freeze response. Generalized anxiety disorder, on the other hand, is constant and excessive worry most days about today and tomorrow, things big or small. GAD tends to begin in childhood or adolescence.
How do I know?
GAD by the numbers:
What would put me at risk for GAD?
What’s the big deal?
GAD can lead to:
What can I do right now?
Related anxiety issues: Panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, agoraphobia, social phobia.
Musical notes: A 2015 study showed that active music therapy – using your voice, body or instrument to create music – along with medication can significantly reduce generalized anxiety disorder symptoms like sleep problems and memory and attention issues. That’s because the body movements needed for active music therapy help release psychological and physical tension, and reduce adrenaline and stress hormones like cortisol.
Cultural strategy: An ocean drum is a double-sided frame drum, usually animal skin on one side and clear on the other. Metal beads inside roll as the person rocks or tilts the drum, creating sound reminiscent of the ocean. Although its history is murky—some say it originated in Nepal, others from Indigenous cultures—the ocean drum has become a technique for reducing anxiety and increasing relaxation.
Watch a video on Symptoms and Strategies for Generalized Anxiety Disorder
For more information:
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health