Today Sucks
Crying all the time
Life can really suck when you’re a teenager. Not a day goes by where you don’t get that creepy-crawly anxious feeling under your skin – you just know something is going to go wrong.
Life can really suck when you’re a teenager. Not a day goes by where you don’t get that creepy-crawly anxious feeling under your skin – you just know something is going to go wrong.
I can’t remember the last time I slept. My mind keeps replaying the scene over and over and over again. I ran. Just like I always do.
Do you even understand how important this project is? It’s like fifty percent of my mark. Fifty percent! And it’s not good enough. And if it’s not good enough, I won’t do well. I’ll fail the whole class.
I put my fingers to the piano and seek out a melody at the black and white keys. A new melody of my own. Sometimes the tune falters. Sometimes not. But I don’t care.
Like normally I’m shy and a homebody you know but then again like I can just come out of my shell and pretty much do anything I know how that sounds…
We’d been playing Beer Pong and the usual games. Even though the girl was wasted, she kept egging us on to play another round. Then someone suggested 21 for 21. Game on.
Everyone in class is working, but I have no idea what they’re working on. I don’t know if my math teacher said anything about work. If he did, I didn’t hear it.
My throat tightens. I can’t get any air. I try to breathe. I try to gulp down whatever I can. All that does is make my heart pound faster and faster. I leap from my seat by the classroom door.
We pull into the ice cream parlour parking lot. I throw up in the front seat of Dad’s car. “Geez, kid. If you were feeling sick, we didn’t have to come,”…
I’m alone, locked in this bathroom stall while the beautiful aliens wander the halls of this school looking for me…
So, there’s a hella thunderstorm out right now and here I am in my room. Counting. If I just keep counting, I’ll get through this…